Music Center Foundation | The Music Center Foundation - About Us
The Music Center Foundation was established to provide endowment support to The Music Center/Performing Arts Center of Los Angeles, its educational activities, dance programs and Resident Companies.
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About Us

“The cultural life of the city matters not so much for the culture itself, but in what cultural things can do for a community.”

– Dorothy Chandler

Music Center Foundation is focused on building the endowment to support performing arts for the Resident Companies and the Music Center.


The Music Center Foundation was established to provide endowment support to The Music Center/Performing Arts Center of Los Angeles County, its educational activities, dance programs and Resident Companies.

Lifting up the performing arts in Los Angeles is a unique opportunity that we can take on together. At the Music Center Foundation, we’re honored to serve alongside and provide a base of support to our renowned Resident Companies.

By making a gift through the Foundation, you can be a part of lifting up inspirational new work that threads our community together through a vibrant, emotional connection to the performing arts.

When patrons experience a performance together, their spirits are lifted and a community is built over one magical evening. Your gift will help these artists explore new depths and rise to heights otherwise out of reach.

Like Dorothy Chandler, the impact of a donor’s gift is amplified by its ability to change the city.

Our Work

Founded in 1973, the Music Center Foundation is an independent public charity that’s inviting you to join our goal of leaving behind a legacy of performing arts in Los Angeles.

Focused on long-term growth, the Foundation’s primary business is building endowment through asset management and, in partnership with the Resident Companies and The Music Center, securing new endowment funds utilizing planned giving. The strength of the Foundation lies in the financial expertise, results-oriented approach, and long-term focus of its Board, which includes representatives from The Music Center and each of the Resident Companies.

Cost Efficient

Endowment gifts to the Music Center Foundation is the most efficient way to provide support for the performing arts at The Music Center. Music Center Foundation’s total annual fundraising and administrative costs are kept to an absolute minimum at less than 0.4% of assets under management, ensuring that virtually all investment growth and income are available for programmatic support.

Donors and other interested parties seeking information are encouraged to contact the Music Center Foundation.

Our Team

Board of Directors

Kelsey N. Martin, Chair
Kiki R. Gindler, Vice Chair
Kenneth S. Williams, Secretary and Treasurer
John B. Emerson
Amy R. Forbes
Darell L. Krasnoff
Keith R. Leonard
Kelsey N. Martin
Elizabeth Michelson
Cindy Miscikowski
Shelby Notkin
Susan E. Reardon
Jeffrey Soros
Eric Stern
Jason Subotky
Philip Swan
Sue M. Wegleitner

Directors Emeriti

Peter W. Mullin – Chair Emeritus
John E. Anderson
Robert O. Anderson
Roy L. Ash
Stanton Avery
Frank E. Baxter
Dr. Peter S. Bing
Hannah Carter
Edward W. Carter
Mrs. Norman Chandler
William Lloyd Davis
Daniel Frost
Bernard A. Greenberg, Esq
Irving Feintech
Richard Ferry
Stephen F. Hinchliffe, Jr.
John F. Hotchkis
Joseph LaBonte
Edward J. McAniff
Gerald L. Parsky
Lawrence J. Ramer
Dr. Simon Ramo
Russell Smith
Lew R. Wasserman


Steven T. Benson, President and CEO
Joanna D. Calabrese, Manager of Operations and Communications
Jennifer Nhieu, Controller
Monticello Associates, Investment Advisors

The Music Center Foundation would also like to recognize Kirkland & Ellis LLP for their pro bono support.

Annual Report

Come find your role within the arts in Los Angeles and leave a permanent mark on a city benefitted by your support.